We have a great selection of affordable, safe, and durable ambulances for sale.

Browse the Crestline ambulance product lineup, designed with paramedics in mind. Our vehicles embody safety, dependability, and durability, empowering medics to respond swiftly and confidently in critical situations. Our ambulances deliver on performance, ensuring paramedics can trust our vehicles when every second counts; they are built to last with low maintenance.

Our practical standard features provide a trusted ownership experience.

Since 1975, Crestline has provided world-class emergency vehicles to the industry, contributing to ease and improving the working conditions of the paramedic community. Our manufacturing process is complex and unique in the industry. It starts with a simple aluminum sheet and ends with a complete ambulance integrating the latest innovations. Every ambulance that leaves our Saskatoon production site is certified safe, reliable, and durable; we take great pride in that.

Our ambulances are built to last. Durability is at the forefront of our engineering process. We design our vehicles so paramedics can rely on them and focus on achieving their mission. Our ambulances are manufactured to require low maintenance and easy repair. Our vehicles are known for their dependability. Our warranty coverage reflects how strong our commitment to durability is. Our ambulances come with a lifetime warranty on paint and structure. We offer peace of mind so you can focus on your mission.

We support Canada’s ambulance services daily to keep their fleets operational. From parts supply to collision repair to refurbishment, we stand by our vehicles throughout their lifespan. We help you prevent costly and unscheduled downtime by offering preventive maintenance. Our real-time remote diagnostic capabilities enable our Customer Care to support you on the spot to minimize downtime. Whether in our service centers or at your site, we work alongside you to quickly put your vehicles back on the road so paramedics can fulfill their mission.

Think different. Remounts are a cost-effective alternative to purchasing a new unit with a shorter leadtime. Remounting your ambulance allows you to extend the lifespan of your vehicle and maximize your investment over a longer period. Your remount will be upgraded and refurbished by assembling your current module with a new chassis. Crestline will ensure the assembly is compliant and reliable so your unit can be operated safely. Overall, remounts are an eco-friendly, practical, and convenient solution to modernize your fleet at a lower cost.

years of experience
square foot facility
vehicles produced
export countries
dedicated employees

Our commitment is to reduce lead times.

In April 2023, we unveiled a significant facility expansion with 30,000 square feet added, totaling 110,000 square feet of manufacturing floor in Saskatoon, SK. This expansion will help us accelerate production to fulfill a large backlog and continued growth in demand while progressing back to pre-pandemic and chassis crisis lead times. “Expanding our plant enables us to optimize each workstation along the production line for a more effective manufacturing process. Ultimately, this major investment allows us to speed up the production process while improving the working environment of our employees”, explains Steve Hoffrogge, Demers-Crestline President. In addition to the increased plant size and the investment in new equipment, the production line and fabrication processes have been completely redesigned. The powder-coating capacity has been doubled to maintain the level of expertise required for the durability of Crestline ambulances paint, which is covered by the industry-leading warranty. The message is clear: Increase volume while maintaining the same attention to detail.

Crestline offers a wide range of products.